3D factory Is one of the Best plant factories in the mattresses ,pillows and the milton fabrics, because it is the only factory which manufacturing the milton fabrics in egypt & middle east the factory is producing mattresses Double knit fabric, cotton Double knit fabric, Double knit polyester fabric and Double knit spin fabric which is produced from the best kind of cotton.
The Factory is using the latest technology to produce mattresses fabric & milton double knit . It is using the milton fabric which is fighting bactria and allows the air to enter to the mattresses.
for the sake of raising the efficiency of mattresses and milton factories, so the factory is using the latest technology in our factory .
3D factory is depending on providing the quality,safety & comfort to manufacture its products, so 3D Factory is offering the comfort for its clients by manufacturing accuracy and products quality also by using very high quality to please their customers, and to enjoy the quiet and comfort sleep by using our products